Text Connections

Text Connections:


My four chosen texts are Out Of the Blue by Robert Sarkies, a film about the Aramoana Massacre. Then we studied Witness by Peter Weir, a film about an amish child witnessing a brutal murder. Prior to that we looked at Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont, a film about a prison escape. The text that I chose for this essay Bioshock  by 2K Boston, a videogame about mind control and a corrupt underwater city. In each of these texts there is a commonly occurring genre, crime, although it is shown differently in the four texts.


Mental illness which results in crime is a major theme in Out Of the Blue. David Gray, a schizophrenia sufferer lets his mental illness get the better of him and begins to hallucinate that the police are after him. His unstable mental state eventually led to David walking around the town of Aramoana with a rifle shooting people. His illness affecting him is shown when he says “Don’t tell me what to do! You think you’re the king of Aramoana, don’t you!” to one of his long time friends and companions Garry Holden. Before his schizophrenia got the better of him he would have never said this to his friend. The director uses sunny lighting and a mid shot to set the atmosphere that this tragedy happened on a regular day like any other. With this text showing the true story of the Aramoana massacre in 1990 it links with reality very well as crime does happen in real life and I believe that this is the director’s purpose. When the film was being made there were many people that were against the creation of the film as they believed that this tragedy didn’t need to be reported as it was so realistic and would make people remember the tragedy and would ‘open old wounds’.


At the end of the Bioshock it gets revealed to the player that your character Jack, when he was an infant, was taken by the mad scientist Tannenbaum and his brain was ‘programmed’ so that whenever he heard the phrase ‘would you kindly’ followed by a command he does exactly what he is told to do without fail. This means that Jack gets in all sorts of trouble throughout his adventure in Rapture, with him killing important government figures to thwarting plans about how to pull the dying underwater city out of the ashes. Jack’s mind control is a mental illness that forces him to commit horrific crimes throughout his time in Rapture. A quote from the text that shows how Jack is acting against his will is when he confronts Andrew, his illegitimate father, and he is told about what he did to him as an infant: “A man chooses, a slave obeys… now would you kindly head to Ryan’s office and kill that son of a bitch.” In this section of the game 2K Boston used candlelight and flashbacks to show how this information affected him. One of the main reasons that this information affected Jack so much is that he discovered that all of his memories were false and back in this era (1960’s) this was such a far fetched idea and the team at 2K shows this excellently. In today’s world mental illness is a growing problem as more and more people are taking their own lives and other people’s due to depression. Depression, bipolar disorder, suicide and anxiety are common forms of mental health issues that affect many  people. At least 350 million people suffer from depression and close to 182 million people have been diagnosed with bipolar condition. Close to 11 out of every 100,000 people will successfully commit suicide each year due to conditions such as depression caused by modern day living and stress.


Loss of innocence is another theme that is related to crime in the text Witness. Samuel, a young Amish boy ends up being witness to a brutal murder and gets mixed up in the policeman John Book’s world of crime. In one scene he finds John’s pistol and gets confronted by John, who despite their beliefs begins to show him the pistol. After a few minutes Eli discovers John showing him the pistol and scolds him for it. Eli sits down with Samuel and proceeds to ask him “We believe it is wrong to take a life… Would you kill another man?” to which Samuel replies “I would only kill the bad man.” This shows that due to the events happening around Samuel, he has changed his views on his beliefs and has made him lose his innocence. The director uses dark lighting to show how innocence but also an awakening of understanding. The director’s purpose in this scene is to show how the events that happen to a person can change their values and way of life.


Loss of innocence is a highly prominent theme in the film Shawshank Redemption. Andy Dufresne was innocent going into the prison however during his time in prison not only did he commit multiple crimes including prison escape, assisted money laundering and smuggling but he also came to realise that he wasn’t innocent going into the prison. He discovered that even though he didn’t directly kill his wife his actions and his behavior drove her away which ultimately led to her being murdered “I killed her, Red. I didn’t pull the trigger, but I drove her away. And that’s why she died, because of me.” The director uses soft piano music to show how this is a meaningful scene and he uses low shots to show how them sitting and talking is furthering the bond and the connection that they have with each other.  In the era the film is based (1940s-1960s) prisons were fairly tame with so many less notable riots and escapes than compared to today’s prisons. For example in the 1940s there was one notable riot that occurred in Alcatraz Island where 5 people were killed. Comparing this to the 2010s where there have already been 10 riots including one in Venezuela where 54 inmates were killed and 90 were injured. The director’s purpose for the use of this theme was to show how prison can change people in more ways than one they don’t just take guilty people and rehabilitate them, they change people for the better or the worse and I believe this is what the director was trying to show us, how our prison system isn’t perfect and needs to be improved.


The setting in texts is probably one of the most important aspects as the setting helps set the mood, theme and can help the viewer learn more about the background of the characters. In Bioshock during development the scene was changed many times, from a city on land to an island to what we have now, the underwater city of Rapture. This setting is important as the destruction and dark lighting helps to set a scary, post apocalyptic like atmosphere. This is important to the story as, after Frank Fontaine founder of Fontaine Futuristics, the company responsible for creating plasmids, people started abusing the plasmids and became so mutated that they ended up destroying the city. This is why the setting of Bioshock is so connected to the theme of the game. In this text we learn so much about human behavior. A great example is the cultural behavior of the different inhabitants of Rapture as they are very ethnically diverse with there being a German, several Americans and an Irishman. They each behave very differently and the language that they use is very different depending on the characters’ backgrounds. The Irishman uses many formal old English quotes such as “Would you kindly?”, but he also uses lots of slang such as “would ya.” The American coming from the ‘pinnacle of society’ uses much more formal language and hints at a lot more using rhetorical questions such as “What is the difference between a man and a slave?” Tannenbaum the German coming from a hard background stricken by Hitler’s rule uses a lot of ‘sharp language and has an annoyed tone most of the time.The connection between the main theme and the setting is seen when Andrew Ryan, creator of the city, says “If we will not raise a finger for our own salvation than the city will surely come crashing down like a torrenting wave.” In Out Of the Blue Aramoana was chosen by the director as it is where the real events of the 1990 Aramoana Massacre happened. Aramoana is a sleepy, small, rural town that is the last place anyone expected there to be a mass shooting. This setting is so disconnected from the main theme and events that happened on that day that day that it surprises the audience and leaves them shocked. Sarkie overuses the shot of the coastline and he punctuates the beginning of the film with those shots to show how it is a town that nothing like that would happen there. With this event happening in such a calm area no one expected it people freaked out and run away from the gun shots.


Crime is such a popular genre in today’s society and it can and has been represented in so many different ways. Out Of the Blue shows us that tragic events and crime can happen to anyone at any time, even in the most unlikely situations. Witness shows us how not only is it the victim of the crime that gets affected by it but everyone involved. Shawshank Redemption shows us that not everyone convicted of a crime is guilty although you don’t need to commit a crime to be guilty. Bioshock shows us that crime isn’t something that we can control and the more that rules are made the more crime will occur. My views on crime is that yes, it is scary and no one wants to be involved with any sort of crime however it is our reality and it is the reality that we must face as a community and although crime will never be truly stopped we can suppress the amount of crime that happens and we can reduce the impact that crime has on today’s society.











homework questions 15-25

  1. Explain the role and process of active transport in cells.   Active transport transports bigger molecules in to and around the cell with the help of protiens
  2. Explain how respiration and photosynthesis can be considered opposites respiration releases energy whilst photosynthesis absorbs it
  3. Explain the structure and role of ATP. Atp transports energy around the cell
  4. Write the general formula for aerobic respiration

Glucose+oxygenàcarbon dioxide+water+energy

  1. Respiration:- Draw and label a mitochondrion. Explain the role of glycolysis, Krebs cycle and respiratory chain (not the detailed steps). Discuss substrates, location, ATP, NADH2 yield and O2 http://home.earthlink.net/~dayvdanls/mitochondria.GIF

Glycosis is http://home.earthlink.net/~dayvdanls/mitochondria.GIF http://home.earthlink.net/~dayvdanls/mitochondria.GIF

Glycosis breaks down glucose, the krebs cycle turns the broken down glucose in to useable products and the respiratory chain releases the pent up used energy.

  1. Describe anaerobic anerobic is similar to aerobic except it does not use oxygen nd thus creates less products and is less effective
  2. respiration/fermentation. Fermentation is the same as anerobic respiration but it happens when there isno or low oxygen
  3. Write the general formula for photosynthesis co2+o2àc6h12o6+6h2o+6o2
  4. Describe the role and structure (internal)of chloroplasts in photosynthesis including chlorophyll and other pigments.
  5. Describe the overall chemical process in photosynthesis with reference to the Light-dependent (light) phase and the Light-independent (dark) phase. Photosynthesis is a two part chemical process the light dependant takes the photons from the light and transfes those along to where it connects to the NAPD changing it to NAPDH, which than travels through the chloroplast to where it partakes in the calvin cycle and assists in carbon fixation.
  6. Explain factors that influence photosynthetic rate (light intensity, temp, C02) and how it is measured. Light is measured in lumens, temperature is measured in degrees and co2 levels are measured with lime water.

week 3 homework

  1. Describe the role of diffusion in cells. Explain how surface:area volume ratios influence diffusion and cell size.  Diffusion allows cells to absorb particles through osmosis. The surface area of a cell determine how effective this is as the larger the surface area there is the more the particles will need to spread out in the cell and to the surrounding area
  2. Describe the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the forced diffusion caused when the osmatic solution changes a hypertonic solution to a hypotonic or visa versa
  3. Explain the effect of hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic solutions on water movement in cells. Hypertonic=less of a certain particle in one solution to another solution. Hypotonic: more of a certain particle in one solution to another solution. If one solution is hypotonic and one hypertonic the particles wold spread evenly between the two, going from the hypotonic to the hypertonic. Explain the role of ions in cell turgor and the cause of plasmolysis. Explain how osmoregulation it maintains the fluid balance and the concentration of electrolytes (salts in solution) to keep the fluids from becoming too diluted or too concentrated.

questions set 2

Describe the structure and role of plasma membranes in cells. Plasma membranes are two layers of a phosphate with a fatty lipid layer in between. They let specific partices through the cell membrane and in to and out of the cell

Distinguish between active and passive transport. Give 2 examples of each- plant & animal active transport is when particles are transported through the cell membrane with help of a protein and passive is without the protienn

Describe the role of diffusion in cells. Explain how surface:area volume ratios influence diffusion and cell size.  Diffusion allows cells to absorb particles through osmosis. The surface area of a cell determine how effective this is as the larger the surface area there is the more the particles will need to spread out in the cell and to the surrounding area

Describe the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the forced diffusion caused when the osmatic solution changes a hypertonic solution to a hypotonic or visa versa


Good afternoon class, and I’m here to talk to you about global warming and I know what you’re thinking, not another boring speech about something I’ve written like 10 essays on in in social studies. Well stop thinking that because my views are different. What if global warming isn’t such a bad thing… what if it was meant to happen…

Hi, my name is Thaddeus finch, and for hundreds of thousands of years the earth has been heating up and cooling down. According to ice cores from Antarctica, the past 400,000 years have been dominated by glacials, also known as ice ages that last about 100,000 years. These glacials have been broken up by interglacials, short warm periods which typically last 11,500 years. Because our current warm period has already lasted about 12,000 years we are 500 years too late. This has led some to believe that a new ice age is imminent. This is a completely understandable claim because think about it, polar ice caps melt, cold water goes in to sea, sea temperature decreases, sea freezes, BOOM, ice age.

Now I haven’t just gone and found big fancy, sciency words to make you believe in what I have to say. These studies really have been happening, mainly in Antarctica and Greenland as early as 1940 in order to find out more about the climate of the world we live in. One of the most recent of these studies being Vostok. Lead by the Soviet Union in 2004 is the longest core drilled. It reached back 420,000 years and revealed 4 past glacial cycles.

Reaching a depth of 3,623 m, said Vostok ice core drilling project found out from the carbon content and carbon dating in the ice that there were inconsistent results in the decay rate of the carbon in the ice of the Antarctic ice cap, or in English more ice was created during the ice ages than the warm periods and because of this the ice is different.

Now I know what you’re thinking, the world covered in ice, waking up buried under 10 meters of frozen water. It doesn’t sound particularly enjoyable right? Humans have been living on earth for approximately 5 million years and thus have survived through multiple ice ages and haven’t died out, and think about it, the amount that technology has evolved over the past hundred years has been incredible. What I’m trying to say is that I highly doubt that caveman ugg would have been able to drive down to his nearest warehouse, picked up a hoodie for sixty bucks, come back home and turn on his electrical heater and been fine.

Sure many species of animal and plant will go extinct and die out and it would be an ecological tragedy, but that will give way for animals that are better evolved for colder climates to thrive in places all around the world. Who knows, elephants might grow more hair and we might have a new breed of mammoth walking the earth’s surface once again. Woolly rhinos, cave lions, giant tortoises with club tails, even sloths as big as busses are prime examples of organisms that had evolved in the past to become better suited to their new habitat. If you went back to when sabretooth tigers walked the earth in the last ice age I’m sure that you would find that humans would have a lot more hair than they do now.

Quick question, how long ago did the last of the woolly mammoths kick the bucket (look around for answers)    Even though the majority of the woolly mammoth died out around 10,000 years ago the last died out only 3600 years ago, long after the great pyramids of giza were built.

A great man Albert Einstein once said “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” and in my opinion we are a very intelligent race. We have made cures for hundreds of illnesses, made machines that can create and destroy, built towers 848m tall. The human race is a very smart race and thus we should have no problem adapting to the changing climate and surviving the ice age.

In conclusion I think that the sooner that the ice age comes the better as this would mean that we would be able to get acclimatised to the cold of the glacial a lot sooner and be able to keep moving forward and keep evolving to better suit the human race for climate change. The more we prepare, the better we will fare for the coming ice age so I think that we should start preparing as soon as possible. Plus think of the amount of snow days away from school, huh.

cell biology study notes questions 1-5

  1. Define cell theory

Cell theory is three laws that apply to all cells, these are all living things are made of cells, a cell is the basic unit of structure and organisation in organisms and cells come from pre existing cells.

  1. Explain the differences between prokaryote and eukaryote Prokaryote cells are unintelligent and make living thing that aren’t animals and plants eukaryote are intelegent and make up animals and plants
  2. Describe the structure of all cell organelles in generalised plant and animal cells. Include nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, (rough/smooth), ribosomes, plasma membrane, cell wall,  golgi, lysosomes, vacuoles, cytoplasm

Nucleus: a rough sphere

Mitochondria: a oval/spherical maze

Chloroplast: a oval spherical structure filled with liquid

Smooth E.R: a network of membranous tubes

Rough E.R: a network of membranous tubes covered in ribosomes

Ribosome: a single helix copy of a strand of dna

Plasma membrane: two layers of phosphides separated by pores

Cell wall: three layers of cellulose

Golgi: a series of membranes shaped like pancakes

Lysomes: a single mebrane organelle

Vacuole: a large, hollow organelle that usually contains water or food for a plant cell

Cytoplasm: a clear liquid

  1. List the differences between plant and animal cells.
  2. Plant cells have a cell wall, a vacuole and chloroplast to do photosynthesis whereas animal cells do not
  3. Draw and list special features of 3 different animal and 3 different plant cells.

Done in book


In Peter Weir’s The Witness, Samuel, a young Amish boy, witnesses a murder in the restroom of a Philadelphia bus station.  When John discovers that the crime was part of a conspiracy involving several officials in his department, he escapes Philadelphia to the Amish community where Samuel lives with his mother, Rachel. Slowly adjusting himself into the Amish community, John eventually finds himself falling in love with Rachel in the middle of his investigation. Eventually, the corrupt police track John down, and he is forced to confront them, while also trying to protect Rachel and Samuel.

Scene brief: in my chosen scene John is fixing his car with Rachael. As they are fixing it the radio sparks to life and a song (what a wonderful world – Sam Cooke) that John knows plays John stands up, takes Rachael’s hand and begins dancing with her to the music. This goes against Rachael’s beliefs. Rachael’s elder Eli catches them and growls at Rachael for dancing to the music and taking her from John, ultimately shaming him.


  • Analyse the use of music in the extract. How is it used to develop character, ideas, or mood?


In my chosen scene music is a massive factor as it is what the scene is about. The people of the Amish community don’t listen to music from electric sources as it goes against their beliefs. Because of this it shows how meeting John has changed Rachel’s views of the outside world. When Eli hears the music he instantly knows that Rachel is doing something against their ways and this decreases the relationship significantly as Eli has even less trust in John.

The type of music helps portray the idea of romance. This is because the song is quite a slow song and the lyrics are about love. “I don’t know much about

geography… but I know that I love you.” This kind of relationship is forbidden in the Amish community as they are not able to be in an intimate relationship without consulting their elders never mind it being with an outsider. This shows how different the societies are as the Amish society this is very frowned upon but in the western society this kind of relationship is perfectly acceptable.

The music used, while being slow and meaningful is happy music. This shows how John and Rachael being together makes them happy and it makes the viewers feel happy for them. Music effects our mood in more ways than that though. When they get caught by Eli the music gives way to the commentators talking and the crickets in the background for a more serious atmosphere. I am so used to walking in to class, putting my earphones in and listening to music so I really can’t comprehend how I would live without the music that I like.







  • Analyse the use of at least two shots and/or camera movements in the extract. What is the purpose of each and how is this developed?


There are two main shots used in this scene. One of these being close ups. Peter Wier uses these to show how happy they are with the music being turned on and how they gaze in to each other’s eyes. The romantic ambience in this shot is being set by the dark hazy lighting caused by the candle. This is important as without these shots the viewers wouldn’t know what is going on. Another reason that this shot is important is it shows the disappointment in Eli’s face and how sad Rachael is to be caught and how annoyed he is at her for betraying her faiths and beliefs in her religion and in the Amish community.

Another shot used is a two shot. This is used when John and Rachael are dancing to the song. This is very important as the two shot shows the unity between the two people and portrays the romantic ambience again with the candlelight. Two shots are also used when Rachael gets taken away from John when Eli comes in to bust them. Dark lighting is used at this moment in order to show how Rachael is annoyed at Eli. This shot is important as it shows both relationships between people and it shows conflict between people.


  • Analyse the use of lighting in the extract. How does it create mood or develop character/ideas in the extract? How does it manipulate or affect the audience?


In my chosen scene lighting is another very important factor. It helps set the romantic mood when they are talking to each other and when they dance. The type of lighting is dark and hazy to show the romantic scene and to show the connection between the two people. The director does this because lighting is almost vital in this scene. People tend to associate romance with candlelight which is how they have set up this scene. The director uses close-ups of Rachael’s face to show how peaceful nd happy she is.

The lighting changes in the scene as the ambience changes. It goes from the dark hazy romantic lighting to dark. This is to make the mood sad and to help show the viewers fell what Rachael feels when she gets taken away from John. The director does this because if the lighting stayed the same there may be confusion as to what Rachael is feeling and the overall mood of this scene.


  • Analyse the use of at least two costumes in the extract. How are they used to develop character or ideas?


In my scene and the rest of the film costume is a very important feature. It helps show the differences in the ways of the Amish people and the western people. In my scene john has got no jacket on and is wearing a shirt with buttons on it. When Eli comes in he is wearing a waistcoat and a shirt with hooks and eyes. Also Rachael is wearing a plain dress and bonnet, covering up most of her body. This is shown using two shots when John and Rachael are dancing.  The director did this because the difference between the two beliefs is an important theme.

The costuming in the dancing scene is also very important as when Rachael is spinning her costume flows. This shows how she is enjoying what she is doing disregarding her beliefs, further re-enforced by her removing her bonnet later on in the scene. The director did this to show how meeting John has changed her and how she has started to let her feelings for John take over her beliefs and faiths.

Analyse the use of mise-en-scene in at least two shots in the extract. How is it developed to convey meaning?

The setting for my scene is in the barn. This is important because it is a closed off space where John and Rachael feel isolated from the rest of the world. The reason they are in the barn is because they are fixing Johns car. This means that the two of them have some time alone and that because Rachael is helping John out with fixing the car they are getting closer. The director uses close ups to show the emotion on their faces and how they are beginning to feel for each other.

While in the barn they are using a lantern that is casting shadows. These shadows are used to help set the loving ambience in the barn as they grow closer. These shadows cast by the various pieces of equipment in the barn give it a dark hazy look. This lantern is used by Rachael in order to cast light on whatever John is doing. This is important as without this Rachael probably wouldn’t have anything to help out with. The candle also is associated with romance which is the theme in this scene.

  • Analyse the use of at least two pieces of dialogue and/or voiceover in the extract. How is each piece used to develop characters or ideas?


In my scene dialogue, or the lack of dialogue, is very important. When the music picks up and they are dancing in parts they go completely silent and stare in to each other’s eyes. This can show that they are both lost in the moment and this can show how the relationship between them has grown. The director uses a close up to show how close (physically, not emotionally) they are. This relates to me because sometimes in those situations there is nothing to say.

Not only does the director use dialogue to show romance but he also uses laughter and tone. They talk in low tones to show how they are close and to show intimacy between them. When John is swinging Rachael around as they dance she laughs to show how she is having fun and enjoying her time, despite the fact that what she is dong goes against the Amish beliefs. In the real Amish society this is greatly frowned upon and this is because they have their relationships approved by the higher power and how they don’t use electricity.

Party invitation

なると は たんじょび ぱち お いきましょう。あなた は しとね と シュラフザック と 食品 表マス。あと で わたし の じゅしょ お める で おくります。でんわばんご お おいして もらえますか。いしょ に たべに と のみ いきます。わたし は プレイステーション と チョコレート と おかね が欲しい。ごご にじ に ここで あい ましょ。ぜひ、わたし の いえ に とまって ください。いっしょ に しますか?それ は いい かんがえ だ。では のちほど。